Tag Archive for: arcade fire


Posted by Liz and John Attaway, 5/4/24

Photo by Roger Ho.

With acts like Weezer and Foo Fighters, this year’s Shaky Knees spoke to my Gen X heart. Here’s our day one recap with our favorite new bands, artist moments, and everything in between.

Something we’re highlighting this Shaky Knees beyond the stout 90’s band line-up are the new bands that we catch. The first one is Ax and the Hatchetmen, a young indie 7-piece out of Chicago with tons of energetic big band, funky, rocky, and beachy all rolled into one fun time. A great show! They had a wonderful artist moment, handing out water with a QR code to their newest song, “Flagstaff” that they performed live and came out yesterday! Another band that we hadn’t seen is and enjoyed is Late Night Drive Home out of Texas. The lead singer, Andre Patillo, came out with a red mak on that had frills at the bottom. They’re a blend of punk, rock, 90s with swelling choruses. We loved they sang Blur, “Song No. 2.”

Our favorite of the bands we know is Metric out of Canada. A band that played on 99x back in the day, and that I know probably 5 songs from was thoroughly enjoyable. Emily Haines, the lead singer, came out in a bright red shinny body suit. If you know Metric, they are heavy into electronic and keyboard, yet rock and 80s infused. Reminiscent of Garbage to me, “Help I’m Alive,” was the highlight for me. I hadn’t heard it live and it was my favorite of their music then and now.

We also caught Interpol and Arcade Fire, two bands I had not seen live. Arcade Fire puts on a spectacle of a show with tons of light and movement, and loved the horizon and sunset/sunrise visuals of the performance. Interpol had black and white on the big screens, they’re very controled yet upbeat rock and smooth lyrics all encased in a European rock sound.

It wouldn’t be a large music festival without festival polls, our favorite was the blown up stick of butter. Plus, we were blown away by the Doordash food court with some great Atlanta and regional restaurants like Hattie Bs. Today we are going to explore the most elaborate activation I’ve ever seen, Liquid Death. We will report back.

Who is ready for day 2? John and I are super excited for Sunny Day Real Estate today! We hope the Thunderstorms stay away.

This is just a snapshot of day 1. A full article and review of bands to come.